Charlotte North Carolina Newborn Photography

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Why you should invest in professional newborn photos for you babY

The first days and weeks with your new baby are some of the most exciting and exhausting times in life. As a parent, you will want to capture every moment with your baby, from the first snuggles and coos to the heartwarming smiles and giggle.

Newborn photography is all about capturing the first six weeks of life in the most beautiful way possible. These images capture the essence of your newborn's personality and character. It's a way to capture this unique time in your child's life so that you'll have a way to hold onto these memories forever.

You will so many things that you want to capture, but you may not have the time or energy to do it yourself. That's why it's important to plan a newborn photography session and ensure these special moments are treasured.

Babies grow so fast!

Babies grow so quickly—you might not even recognize them from one week to the next! By the time your baby is 3 months old, he or she will have doubled their birth weight and tripled their length.

That's why it’s important to capture those changes as they happen. You’ll want to remember how tiny your baby was and all their little features—from the tiny fingernails on those chubby hands, to those teeny, little toes.

Your photographer will be able to capture those changes and the special moments with you that you may forget about otherwise. A newborn photographer can help get amazing shots of your new arrival and make sure that they cooperate at just the right moment for the perfect photo opportunity.

You'll be tired

Your newborn will wake up every 2-3 hours for feedings, meaning that you'll spend more time awake than asleep for the first few weeks. When you do have enough energy to move around and interact with your baby, you'll be busy caring for them and yourself. Taking photos may be the last thing on your mind.

That's one of the most important reasons for newborn photography—you have enough on your plate and can't be expected to remember or capture every moment. Newborn photos can serve as an irreplaceable reminder of those first weeks together with your baby.

Capture those precious little features

When you have a newborn, you'll spend your time caring for them, staring at them in awe, and trying to get some sleep. As much as you love your little one, you likely won't have time to notice all the little things about them! They'll change before your eyes before you've had a chance to catch up on sleep.

It's important that your photographer captures those special moments for you. Your newborn photographer will notice things that you didn't even know existed—like the way their eyelashes curl up or their nose crinkles when they cry. Your photographer will capture amazing photos of your baby's eyes, nose, mouth, and hands, showing off how cute they really are!

No baby is too fussy

It may feel like everyone else is having an easy go of things with their newborns, you know better than anyone how hard it can be to get your kid into position for a good photo—especially if you have an infant who isn't yet sleeping through the night.

A talented newborn photographer has the skills and experience necessary to calm even the fussiest babies into cooperating for their photos. They also know what props and settings work best for getting those precious first moments on camera—and have access to studios where they can create beautifully lit scenes without compromising comfort or safety.

Newborns are precious

Your baby as a newborn is precious and the memories of that time should never be forgotten. While most parents take thousands of photos of their child within their first six weeks, many of them don't end up on display for visitors to see. Parents turn to a professional photographer to capture incredible photos that reflect how amazing their baby is. You'll be able to see the joy of your new arrival in every image, and those images will keep this period fresh in your mind through the years.